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Why is there a $15 service charge?
The service provided by ReportIllegals.com is strictly an optional convenient service by a business. Individuals are encouraged to use free government reporting services if they don't want to pay the small $15 service charge.
Unfortunately, governmental reporting services are usually difficult to locate and use. The procedures are often difficult to determine from their web sites, often the phones are not publicly available, busy, or no one answers. ReportIllegals.com was created in 2003 because of the many requests for a user-friendly way to report illegal aliens and illegal employers.
Consider the following points that justify the charge:
What do I get for $15?
Using the data provided a report will be sent to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). A copy of the report is then emailed to the client in PDF format.
ReportIllegals.com guarantees that the report will be delivered to the proper governmental agency but does not guarantee action by any agency.
Government agencies are so swamped that they cannot spend time on reports of a handful of illegal aliens. From a practical point of view is it really worth reporting?
That's a good question. Clearly immigration enforcement is inadequate. ReportIllegals.com will not mislead anyone by making unrealistic enforcement promises on reports. ReportIllegals.com does not guarantee that reports will be acted upon. Nevertheless, it is the responsibility of these agencies to enforce the law.
There have been some successes as a result of reports filed by ReportIllegals.com. Some aliens have been deported. Some firms have been investigated for taxes. Some foreigners have been apprehended upon re-entry. The actual extent of enforcement may be greater but agencies do not provide status so most enforcement actions are unknown to ReportIllegals.com.
Frustrated citizens and immigrants (legal by definition) are demanding borders become secured and agencies enforce immigration and labor laws. Reporting illegal activity is one of many actions being taken. As the saying goes, a journey starts with a single step.
I would like to file a report about these four illegal aliens who live in the same house and work for the same employer, but before I proceed to submit my report I want to know if I need to use one form for each one of them or if I can report all four by using only one single form.
Multiple alleged illegal aliens who live at the same residence or who work for the same employer can be entered on one report submission. The data can be entered into the Comments sections.
Can I submit a report in a languate other than English?
Yes, non-English reports will be processed.
I have additional documents pertinent to the report. What can I do?
If you have pertinent documents mention the documents in the "Suspected Illegal Alien Comments" or "Suspected Illegal Employer Comments" sections of the Form3 page when entering the report data. If you provide contact information ICE could arrange transfer of the documents from you.
Can you report someone by giving the home address of the illegal person?
Yes, but the proper full name of the person and date of birth is generally required for enforcement action.
I have only the name of the employer and many of the properties that he is trying to sell/build. He uses many illegal workers and they work 7 days a week. Is this sufficient enough to file the report?
Yes. Either the names of the illegal alien workers or the proper name of the illegal employer is required. More data is better.
Will I get information on the filed report?
You will receive via email a PDF copy of the report via email unless you did not provide an email address.
Will I be informed if the authorities have looked into this report?
Status reports are not provided by most governmental agencies.
If an agency does provide a status report it will be emailed if an email address was entered on the Form3 page.
Why hasn't the subject whom I reported been deported?
Unfortunately, immigration enforcement is clearly inadequate. Indeed, the lawlessness of America's immigration system is disgusting. ReportIllegals.com does not guarantee that reports will be acted upon. The only guarantee from ReportIllegals.com is that the report will be sent to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
ReportIllegals.com provides a service that facilitates communication with government agencies. ReportIllegals.com is not a 'vigilante' group that attempts to enforce the law. We share your frustration with inadequate enforcement so please remember that ReportIllegals.com is on your side and cannot be held accountable for non-enforcement of U.S. law. We will strive to advocate enforcement on your behalf whenever the opportunity arises.
Generally, law enforcement gives priority to aliens with criminal pasts or those involved with drugs, counterfeiting documents, human trafficking, etc. Accurate data such as passport numbers often gives law enforcement something to go on as they have limits on privacy without cause. Nevertheless, it is the responsibility of these agencies to enforce the law.
See Make Noise - Make Lots of Noise below for actions you can take.
In the letter to authorities, can we threaten going to the media locally over this case as it has been lingering for many months after we initially reported this illegal?
Attracting media attention is beneficial and possible but the liberal lame stream media generally will not consider your problem newsworthy. Usually you need a creative way to capture media attention.
Is there a way to check public records to see if someone born in another country but living permanently in the United States is a legal resident or a naturalized citizen?
It is not possible for non-law enforcement persons to determine immigration and citizenship status. Law enforcement agents have access to government records and can make an accurate determination. Otherwise, a valid social security number (SSN) is often a reasonably accurate indicator although many illegal aliens use a stolen or counterfeit card or use a pseudo SSN known as ITIN. Although inconclusive, persons who cannot return to their home countries because they might not be re-admitted or who do not have proper identification to fly on airplanes may be illegal.
Prior to citizenship (naturalization) one must be a Permanent Resident. If one can provide a valid Permanent Resident card (AKA green card or Resident Alien card) then they are entitled to work. If they have a visa there may be restrictions on working. If they do not have a valid SSN then they are not entitled to work.
What should I do if I suspect an illegal alien has ties to terrorist groups?
Terrorist allegations are related to national security and are a sensitive matter. If you are confident about your information you are urged to contact Department of Homeland Security directly. If an email address is not provided and the allegations are suspicious, ReportIllegals.com may refuse to process the report.
Federal law enforcement agents appreciate valid information regarding terrorism. However, they may prosecute those providing blatantly false information dealing with terrorism. Under the Patriot Act the Department of Homeland Security can subpoena ReportIllegals.com to determine the originator of a terrorist allegation. ReportIllegals.com would likely have to co-operate with a legitimate subpoena, but would resist if the subpoena were deemed illegitimate. Many of the powers under the Patriot Act, such as giving subpoena power to law enforcement instead of judges, are controversial and legally untested.
She said she came here illegally. Then she said, she was just playing around. I think she is illegal alien. Can you tell me what to look for on the cards she has? Are they real or fake?
Persons not in law enforcement will probably find it difficult to ascertain authenticity. The fakes look quite real. The most reliable method to determine authenticity is to verify the document against a database of valid documents which are generally only available to government agents.
Is a naturalization card a work permit?
Yes. All native-born citizens, naturalized citizens and Permanent Residents (Permanent Residents = green card holders = immigrants) may work without restrictions.
A young man in my home whose visa expired will not return to his home country. He moved out of my home and into my daughter's home. They have had to call the police on him at least once for causing trouble. How can I get him sent home?
You have a tough problem no doubt. You can consider a filing by ReportIllegals.com which will at least inform the government of this young man's illegal residency. You should continue to report disturbances to local police.
About 10-15 characters live behind me in a large home where there is a lot of traffic from pick-up trucks. They play loud booming bass music. I don't have their names or where they work. Will that information be sufficient to report them?
To report their illegal immigration status to federal authorities proper names would be beneficial as ICE would not likely investigate suspected illegal aliens who are not named.
Similar situations are happening all over the US. Consider reporting over-crowding violations to city or county zoning authorities. You will likely have to get tough with local zoning officials as they often minimize such problems by claiming that they cannot verify renters are not relatives of the lessee.
I know an alien who has tourist visa and he comes in USA every year to work. I don't know his family name, but I know when he is going to arrive in the US. Also, he is going to stay illegally after his six month visa expires. I know where he works and where he is going to stay. Can I report this alien?
Working on a tourist visa would be a reportable violation. The proper name and date of birth are needed for an effective report. If you have a proper name, date and location of expected illegal entry, a report possibly could prevent re-entry. ReportIllegals.com has had some success preventing re-entry which is easier for the agencies than dealing with deportation proceedings.
How is it that a green card holder can receive Medicare, Medicaid, live in another country 4 to 5 months of the year, buy real estate in their country with US money?
'Green card holder' is the old term for Permanent Resident. Permanent Residents enjoy nearly all the benefits of citizenship except they cannot be President and are not supposed to vote. Permanent Residents are required to maintain permanent residency in US.
Can an illegal immigrant own property in US?
Yes, illegal aliens can own property in the US. In the past, lack of financing kept the number small but the government has allowed and is promoting financing for illegal aliens. See ACORN's illegal alien home loan racket and Banking on illegal immigrants.
I want to hire someone to work for me but I'm afraid the person is an illegal alien. Can you help me to verify this?
U.S. law requires companies to employ only individuals who may legally work in the United States – either U.S. citizens, or foreign citizens who have the necessary authorization. E-Verify is an Internet-based system that allows businesses to determine the eligibility of their employees to work in the United States. E-Verify is fast, free and easy to use – and it's the best way employers can ensure a legal workforce.
See E-Verify.
I applied for a job for which I feel I was qualified. They refused to hire me only because I didn't speak Spanish. This other girl which I know for a fact is an illegal worker got the job. I am very mad about this situation and I don't know what to do. This place has been hiring illegal personnel so they can pay whatever they want to pay. Please let me know if I can report this or make some kind of report.
Yes, this would be a reportable illegal activity so you could file a report. Unfortunately, your situation is very common. This is an intolerable situation and you have our sincere sympathy for losing the job that you deserve.
A petition has been circulating throughout the employees at the plant where I work asking for signatures to do away with the union. The majority of votes were signed from those without legal status. Is there anything I can do to find out if the illegal aliens have the right to participate in this petition?
This site is not licensed to dispense legal advice, but illegal aliens likely could vote for the petition. You have very little recourse as the Department of Labor will do everything in their power to promote the 'rights' of illegal aliens even when detrimental to citizens.
Unions are in large part to blame for your plight. You should first look at reforming the unions as the AFL/CIO has sold out the American worker in favor of illegal aliens. The AFL/CIO supports illegal immigration, amnesties for illegal aliens, and just about everything else for illegal aliens. The AFL/CIO and many other unions gave huge financial support to the 2004 Illegal Alien Freedom March.
I am married to an illegal alien and I believe the marriage was for the purpose of obtaining legal status. What should I do?
I'm sorry to hear anyone is a victim of marriage fraud which is all too common. ReportIllegals.com calls marriage fraud for the purpose of residency 'Green Card Heartache' which is when a fraudulent marriage for obtaining immigration status ends.
Marriages are difficult enough, but when immigration status is an incentive, problems do occur. This site has been shocked to find so many cases of 'Green Card Heartache'. Victims of 'Green Card Heartache' suffer severe emotional, financial and legal problems as the result of a spouse marrying for immigration status.
About 33% of marriages between illegal aliens and citizens are blatantly sham marriages where money is exchanged, the couple does not even live together and may not have even met each other. Of course the politically correct media would never expose such a problem.
It is quite difficult to obtain permanent legal status through marriage as two interviews over two years are required. Often the relationship dissolves prior to the second interview.
The main factors that US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) uses to determine marriage fraud are whether money was exchanged and whether the couple lives together. Even if you have proof USCIS does an inadequate effort investigating marriage fraud.
In case of marriage fraud possible actions to consider are:
1. You and your attorney, if you have one, should consider annulment of the marriage, especially if the marriage has not been long.
2. You and your attorney, if you have one, should consider withdrawal of withdrawal of Petition for Alien Relative (Form I-130), especially prior to the end of the two-year waiting period.
There is no special form for I-130 withdrawal which should be submitted to USCIS.
The following is information on a Visa Petition Withdrawal letter that can be submitted to USCIS:
An applicant or petitioner may withdraw an application or petition at any time until a decision is issued by US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) or, in the case of an approved petition, until the person is admitted or granted adjustment or change of status, based on the petition. However, a withdrawal may not be retracted. An applicant who wishes to withdraw a visa petition (Form I-130, Petition for Alien Relative) should write a letter to the office where the petition was filed. The letter should include the beneficiary's name, date and country of birth, and A-number or Receipt number, the date petition was filed, reason for withdrawing the petition and the petitioner's name, signature and address.
Consider a notarized signature in a letter sent via return receipt. Make sure you receive a written acknowledgement from USCIS.
3. Avoid any situation where a spouse can claim abuse. This is a common tactic which would allow the spouse, typically the female, to stay legally. If things get heated make sure you have a witness to substantiate non-abuse.
Be aware that spousal abuse allegations may be made by aliens as last resort against US citizens or Permanent Resident in order to obtain legal residency. Under the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) passed by Congress in 1994, allegedly abused spouses and children of US citizens or Permanent Residents may self-petition to obtain permanent residency. There has been a lot of abuse of the VAWA Act in many cases submitted to ReportIllegals.com. The agency that reviews the cases under the VAWA Act, the Executive Office of Immigration Review (EOIR), is notorious for its low standard of proof of abuse.
Anyone in a fraudulent marriage should read;
Hello, I Love You,
Won't You Tell Me Your Name: Inside the Green Card
Marriage Phenomenon
fakers are shortchanging the true victims
Respecting Accuracy in
Domestic Abuse Reporting
About the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)
International Promotes Violence by Women
wife became legal and I became illegal
female illegals abuse the system
gives more rights to illegals than citizens
guilty until proven innocent...even then you're still
subsidizes Green Card scams
Marriage for the sole purpose of gaining immigration status is illegal and can be reported at Form.
My daughter wants to marry a young man who does not have legal residency. I suspect he wants to marry her in order to obtain legal status. What should I do?
Marriages are difficult enough, but when immigration status is an incentive, problems do occur. ReportIllegals.com has been shocked to find so many cases of 'Green Card Heartache' which is when a relationship ends after the green card is obtained. Ask your daughter whether this young man is using her to obtain legal status. What will happen after he gets the green card? Will he be gone? If your daughter could somehow suggest that she wants to delay the marriage or not sponsor his residency she might be surprised at how quickly he would be gone.
I am married to an illegal alien who is also legally married to someone else. What can be done?
Along with marriage fraud, ReportIllegals.com has been shocked to learn of the preponderance of bigamy. This would be a reportable illegal activity that could affect a petition for sponsorship of residency.
If you file a report with ReportIllegals.com describe the situation in the Comments section. If you have a copy of the marriage certificate, mention that you can provide it if requested.
Advice from the Fighting Bigamy Google Group (below) is to "become a friendly pest to the police department as well as the prosecutor." If you are really serious about pursuing the bigamy, obtain the services of an attorney who can file a complaint along with copies of the marriage licenses to either the local police or district attorney.
Is there a support group and forum for victims of bigamy?
Yes, consider joining Fight Bigamy for free by clicking below:
I am fearful my child may be abducted to a foreign country. What can be done?
Under Federal and State laws, international parental child abduction is a crime. In fact, the "Protect Act" of 2003 makes attempted international parental child abduction a crime. If your child is the victim of an international parental child abduction, or you fear the possibility of an abduction, visit International Parental Child Abduction and INTERNATIONAL PARENTAL KIDNAPPING.
The Children's Passport Issuance Alert Program (CPIAP) is
one of the US State Department's most important tools for
preventing international parental child abduction. The
program allows parents to register their U.S. citizen
children under the age of 18 in the Department's Passport
Lookout System. If a passport application is submitted
for a child who is registered in CPIAP, the Department
contacts and alerts the parent or parents. The passport
lookout system gives all U.S. passport agencies as well
as U.S. embassies and consulates abroad an alert on a
child's name if a parent or guardian registers an
objection to passport issuance for his or her child. This
procedure provides parents advance warning of possible
plans for international travel with the child. For more
information visit: Children's Passport Issuance Alert
I am a student. I have to write a research paper on illegal immigration. Could you please direct me to somewhere that I could get information on this topic?
There is a ton of information on the internet regarding illegal immigration. The best sites are:
Here is a quick summary of illegal immigration:
Approximately 40% of the illegal alien population have expired visas (visa overstayers) and approximately 60% have crossed the border illegally (undocumented aliens). Illegal aliens buy false documents for $150. Illegal aliens with fraudulent IDs are almost never prosecuted. Most federal, state, and local governmental agencies claim immigration enforcement is not their responsibility. Visit www.illegalaliens.us/sanctions.htm and you will see that few employers get penalized. Enforcement of immigration laws is lacking because the will of the government to enforce the laws is lacking. The biggest problem facing immigration reform is the effective but bogus 'racializing' (linking something to race) of immigration enforcement. This is demonstrated when open borders advocates wrongly accuse enforcement advocates of being racist, Klu Klux Klan, etc. The liberal opinion media is significantly to blame for the illegal immigration crisis because of their prolific use of euphemisms, lies, and omissions. Democrat's liberal guilt and Republican's pandering for cheap labor are to blame as well. Borders are porous and must be secured. Interior enforcement could be easy - just penalize employers with SSN mismatches. The law and procedures are already in place --- all that is missing is our government's will to enforce and that must and will change.
What can be done when the agencies will not enforce the law regarding the report that I filed?
In general it is a good tactic to make noise - make lots of noise. Consider taking the following actions:
1. You are encouraged to build political pressure for better enforcement of U.S. immigration laws by becoming an activist at:
FAIR The oldest
advocacy organization
An effective and aggressive organization
Organizations A list from IllegalAliens.US
Immigration Report Card Locator Urge your elected
officials to support greatly enhanced immigration enforcement
2. You are welcome to contact the agency directly regarding the filed report.
3. Contact your Congressman. Congressional contact information is available at Find Your Representatives. Personal phone calls are more effective than emails and faxes. Explain your frustration and ask your official what he/she is doing to do fix this problem. If the official is unresponsive, help elect a more responsive official at the next election.
4. Send a letter to the editor of your local newspaper. Do not mention specific names. Be aware that many, if not most, newspapers are bastions of political correctness and generally avoid publishing the negative consequences of illegal immigration but you may get lucky.
5. Study the issue of illegal immigration on the internet starting with the web sites above as well as www.illegalaliens.us/nationalsites. Once you know more facts and arguments you will be even more inclined to Make Noise - Make Lots of Noise.
6. Avoid most newspaper coverage on illegal immigration. The typical newspaper distorts the illegal immigration crisis through the use of euphemisms, half-truths, and an endless stream of illegal alien sob stories, all the while avoiding the negative impacts to citizens.
7. Visit and then bookmark:
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